Alek Grguric

alekgruricDigital Media Developer

Alek is a developer and digital media producer. With over 18 years experience in the area of interactive media programming, integrating text, graphics, audio, video, and animation into a dynamic, interactive user experience is his specialty.

In those 18 years, Alek is an expert in Adobe Director for interactive programming, Ableton Live and Traktor for music production, and Apple Final Cut Studio for video and sound editing, DVD production, and content compression & optimization.  Along with his great technical expertise Alek is a gifted project manager to boot - able to juggle the complex interplays between technology, content, audience and clients.

Alek has successfully delivered a wide variety of interactive projects. These span the media spectrum and include public information kiosks, interactive museum exhibits, promotional CD- ROMs, support kiosks, and “on-site” and event media production.

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Peter Saad

petersaadArchaeologist & Photographer

After spending close to two decades developing and staging large corporate events in Australia, Peter decided to follow his passion and become an archaeologist.

His diverse skill base has been described by many as a unique mix of media, project management and the ability to generate synergistic working relationships with a broad cross section of the community. Peter has combined his talents and now offers electronic media services to archaeologists.

Currently working as a field archaeologist in Australia, Peter's passion lies in developing mediums that allow for the transmission of traditional indigenous knowledge to a broader global community.
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Anthony F. Saad

Producer & Client Lead

With solid, hands on grounding in video production and more that 20 years experience in education & corporate communication Tony has created training and marketing projects in a variety of media including; Video, Audio, Print, Multi-screen Multi-Projector, Videowall, Interactive Multimedia, CD ROM, World Wide Web and recently Interactive Art Installations.

He has always been fascinated with technology and art and began his career as a technologist in the service of communicating ideas in Colleges and Universities in Melbourne Australia where grew up. He studied at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, In 2005 he took a residency at the Canadian Film Centre's Media Lab. His work has garnered national awards and international recognition.

A tenacious synthesizer of ideas and technology, he brings a unique ability to combine diverse and often disparate resource elements to create greater value. He is currently developing products for niche markets.
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Keijo Tapanainen

keijoCreative Design

Keijo brings over 30 years experience in design.

An experienced graphic artist who graduated from the Ontario College of Art and later trained at the prestigious School of Visual Arts in New York, Keijo has worked in many of the leading studios in Toronto and Montreal.

He has been responsible for developing corporate identities and logos, institutional communications, capability brochures, packaging and creating sales, marketing and promotional advertising.

Keijo’s work in the design community is augmented by his personal works which are gaining greater attention throughout Canada and the instruction he has provided at the colleges where he teaches

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Thomas Brenneur

thomasbrenneur2Senior Programmer

When Thomas is not coding software you can find him in his workshop hand crafting violins.

The Federal Aviation Authority, the Canadian Coast Guard, Sear, GAP, and the CBC, are among those who have benefited from his expertise in: C,C++ development on Unix,Linux,Windows,VaxVMS,AS/400, Networking,data storage and real-time development on Unix/Linux, Geomatics development with ESRI ArcIMS, Mambo/Joomla PHP components development, MFC,ODBC, MAPI, COM development on Windows, Database design and development (SQL, PL/SQL, Pro*C, Transaq-SQL,etc.) with SQL-Server,Oracle, DB2, MySQL, J2EE server development in Java, HTML, PHP, JSP,Java, Javascript,ASP and CGI development.

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