Anthony F. Saad

With solid, hands on grounding in video production and more that 20 years experience in education & corporate communication Tony has created training and marketing projects in a variety of media including; Video, Audio, Print, Multi-screen Multi-Projector, Videowall, Interactive Multimedia, CD ROM, World Wide Web and recently Interactive Art Installations.
He has always been fascinated with technology and art and began his career as a technologist in the service of communicating ideas in Colleges and Universities in Melbourne Australia where grew up. He studied at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, In 2005 he took a residency at the Canadian Film Centre's Media Lab. His work has garnered national awards and international recognition.
A tenacious synthesizer of ideas and technology, he brings a unique ability to combine diverse and often disparate resource elements to create greater value. He is currently developing products for niche markets.
A tenacious synthesizer of ideas and technology, he brings a unique ability to combine diverse and often disparate resource elements to create greater value. He is currently developing products for niche markets.
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